
Digestion and Major Nutrients, Introduction, Page 5

Carbohydrates, Fats & Proteins

What are carbohydrates? How do they function in your body? What is their purpose? You will find the answers to these questions as well as their overall importance and why they are regarded as fuel for your body.

Fats are important to every system in your body. Do you want to be able to think well? Did you know that there is a difference between “good’ fats and “bad” fats? “Good” fats are building blocks in your body, while “bad” fats are destructive. Eating the proper amounts of these two kinds of fats will allow your body to function at its highest level.


Proteins are what some consider to be the building blocks of the human body. Every part of your body, from DNA up, uses these critical molecules. One of the most basic uses of proteins is to build muscle. Getting enough protein is key in order to be strong from the inside out.