
Fats, Page 8

Trans FatsSay no to transitional fats

Scientific health studies have shown that man-made, unnatural trans-fats are the most harmful fats and should be avoided. Trans-fats are created when oil is heated and combined with hydrogen, a process called hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation. These fats are very useful for the food industry because they extend shelf life and have a good consistency and taste. 

However, what is good for the profits of the food companies that use these products has contributed to the creation of a major health problem for our country. Trans fats have now been banned in some places in the United States, and the public is being alerted as to the dangers present in consuming foods containing these substances. A good sign is that many companies are cooperating by finding alternative ways of making their products and proudly displaying that they are “trans-fat free.”

Check to see how much you know about fats by taking the Face the Fats quiz.